Sunday, November 4, 2012

Our Two "Puppies"
Early Misty Morning @ Middleton Beach

04/11/2012 Sunday This update is for those of you who live vaingloriously through our lives. We have been in Albany since April. My job with Cleanaway is going extremely well. The fact that I injured myself and went on workers comp has been a blessing in disguise. Firstly, because it gave me an opportunity to learn all the runs as an observer so that when I was allowed to drive again as I am now, I had a head start. And secondly, when I first started with the company I was told I would get 20 hours a week but being on workers comp means that for the duration of my healing process I am on full time hours. I am not supposed to see the specialist again until December when he is expected to sign me off. I have full use of my thumb and all the strength has returned however, it looks slightly munted and I am still awaiting the sensation (feeling) to return fully.

Lib’s job is also going well however, with all the walking up hills her knees are getting increasingly worse. She has been to the doctor and had a number of tests done, but has now been referred to a specialist. We are awaiting their call to arrange an appointment. Lib is very reluctant to take chemicals to relieve her pain so we are researching and trialling a Tens Machine.

My New Toy
We have had one weekend away since we’ve been here. It was mainly to give Bess a run to keep her fluids moving. We went to Cosy Corner, approximately 20 km’s west. It was still pretty chilly as it was in August but we still had a good time. Didn’t catch any fish though.

Xavier Rudd at Albany Entertainment Centre
Native Orchid at Albany Wildflower Show
That doesn’t mean to say we have been idle. We have been fishing almost every weekend, weather permitting, and catching plenty of Black Bream. Up until today the biggest was 29cm. They are very good eating and Lib is becoming a deft hand at filleting. We have also been checking out the local beaches and rivers. Looking for fishing spots primarily but also to get out and about and take the dogs for a run. Last weekend we drove to Katanning which is north of here by approximately two hours. We went there to see their Ag show. We had a good time seeing the various exhibits and displays. But as it was a very hot day we didn’t stay into the night and missed the fireworks. When we left the show we had a plan to find Maria, whom we had met in Kalgoolie. She is working at one of the hotels there. She was working so she couldn’t socialise much so we stayed for one beer, made our farewells and headed home.

This weekend has proven to be outstanding amongst the rest for fishing. We met a man in the caravan park some time ago who came down from Brisbane for a family reunion and has since stayed on at his grandfather’s house. He came by a few weeks ago with two of the biggest river fish I had ever seen. They were both Mulloway, or Jew fish as they are known on the eastern side of the country. The little one was 60 something centimetres while the bigger one was 84 cm. I was very intrigued and when he asked me if I wanted to go with him the next time he went out I couldn’t help but say yes. Which was why I was very pleased to see him when he came by on Friday afternoon. He had returned a few days previously from a camping trip with his grandfather but I hadn’t had the opportunity to catch up with him. He came by and asked if I was still keen to go for the big fish. I was and still am. I didn’t even baulk when he told me he was going to pick me up at 4.30am.
Catch of the Day

Off we drove into the predawn darkness, out of town, to a secret location which I shall never disclose but will visit frequently in the future. I was using 30lb line and when I hooked one I had the biggest fight of my life. It took 10 minutes to reel the brute in. Cameron jumped in the water to pull him in and grabbed the line when he thought the fish was done in but alas, he still had one run left in him and as Cameron was holding the line taught, it snapped in his hand and away the mighty fish swam. I had plenty of bites the rest of the morning but I didn’t hook any more. I spent most of my time untangling birds nest which was what my line resembled when it became tangled. Damn mono. Cameron was using braid and hooked the biggest fish I have ever seen come out of a river. It was the only fish we landed yesterday and it truly was a monster. It was 96 cm long and weighed a whopping 17 lb or almost 8 kg’s.
Mmmmmm - Dinner

My Bushy Look
I was hooked, pardon the pun. In the afternoon I went down to the jetty to catch more bait fish. Mulloway like skippy and yellow tails. I had limited success and was then washed out and came home soaked to the skin for a hot shower. When the rain cleared Jason, another inhabitant of the caravan park, Cameron and I went back to the jetty at about 5 pm to catch more bait fish and we had plenty of luck and caught a total of 15 or so. It was decided then and there that Cameron and I were definitely going out at 4.30am this morning to have another go.
Monster Mulloway

15 Minutes Of Fame in the local rag
Off we went with warmth in our hearts and a gleam in our eyes to catch the mother of all Mulloway. But alas, that tale is for another day. Instead we came home with two Mulloway measuring 65 cm and 66cm respectively and three Bream. Cameron caught the Mulloway and I caught the Bream. In consolation the first Bream I caught was 37cm which for me is the biggest I have ever caught and the biggest I have seen come out of the Kalgan River to date. The other two were 30cm and 25cm. I also learnt a two hundred dollar lesson today – Leave the bail arm open when fishing for Mulloway if the rod is not in your hands. At one point instead of playing with the bait it grabbed it and ran. I made a rookie mistake and left the bail arm closed and as the fish took off with the bait it also took off with my rod. In the heat of the moment I chased it into the river only to watch as it disappeared below the water, gone I thought. Moments later the rod surfaced, floating on the top. But the fish was gone. The rod must have gotten snagged on the bottom and the fish had snapped the line. So it was all good because I had gotten my rod back which yesterday afternoon I had respooled with $60 worth of braided line. It wasn’t til I got back to the bank to climb out that I realised that I still had my wallet and $200 phone in my pockets. Doh! I have tried to dry it out but it is stuffed.
Kalgan River

I suppose the lesson for today is that you live and learn. I won’t make the same mistake again in a hurry.

Mutton Bird Beach

 We have also made new friends with an American couple who are of similar age to us. They have been in the country for approximately 6 months and have a four year old son. Their names are Casey, Nikol and Loagan. They moved here because of the dire financial status of the US and are planning on living here and becoming residents. They are nice people and we get along well.

We have also been out a few times. We went to the Albany Entertainment Centre to see Xavier Rudd and we went to a local pub to see Seth Sentry.

Bye for now.